Momxiety Club

My January 2022 Takeaways - Be Kind to Yourself

January 27, 2022 The Momxiety Club Episode 47

This week we are wrapping up the monthly topic of goals that won't trigger momxiety and talking a bit about the impossible demands of parenting during COVID. It's been a hard few weeks for many moms, with more and more in-person activities being canceled, virtual school days, school and daycare closures, and quarantines from potential exposures. This is an excellent article that sums it all up.  COVID Parenting Has Passed the Point of Absurdity by Melinda Wenner Moyer

My takeaways from this week:
-Be kind to yourself
-Weave in some gratitude each day
-Take each day one moment at a time

If you'd like to take part in a "scream and vent" outdoor outing let me know here and feel free to share this and invite some mom friends.

Join the email list, if you haven’t already because I’ll be adding the Get Out of the House without Losing Your Cool visual checklist to the Free Resources! There you can also grab your copy of How to Set Goals that Won't Trigger Anxiety and more resources to help you manage momxiety.

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