Momxiety Club

Goals, Organization, and Systems to Tackle Momxiety: Part 1

January 13, 2022 The Momxiety Club Episode 45

Last week I talked about goal setting for the New Year and how to set goals that won’t trigger anxiety. This week we are going to dig a little deeper and talk about getting organized to tackle anxiety since one of my big goals is to create an organized and peaceful home because that helps reduce my anxiety.

Subscribe and hit the little bell to get notified of new videos on the Momxiety Club YouTube Channel. There will be one about organizing paper files posting soon!

Let me know if you have any goals or systems you would like me to break down for you by emailing me at

If you haven’t yet, go grab your free copy of How to Set Goals that Won't Trigger Anxiety by joining our email list at You’ll get access to our free resources hub where you will find this and more resources to help you manage momxiety.

Remember to subscribe to the podcast and share it with your mom friends.

Next week the topic will be “Command Centers” to better get everyone in the house on the same page.

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